New FastBridge subtest combinations for pre-K learners
Gain deeper insights into your pre-K students’ performance and identify which students may need additional support with new subtest combinations in FastBridge’s earlyReading (English) and earlyMath that are now optimized for 4-year-old pre-K students.
Renaissance understands the significance of developing strong assessments for young learners, because early education is the foundation for a child’s academic journey. This new sequence will create an improved composite score, using the following subtest combinations:

Along with updated testing features, reports and benchmarks and norms were also updated to assist educators in accurately identifying students with early math or reading risks.
Recognizing the importance of minimal disruption to the teaching process, we improved the user interface and made sure that the training required for administering the pre-K assessments was kept to a minimum for teachers.
We have also created a grade-level mapping in FastBridge to provide clarity and facilitate the use of our enhanced pre-K measures. This would streamline roster mapping for states and districts that use different delineations than PK for their pre-k students.

Like you, Renaissance believes every student can succeed, but in order to do so, they need to be understood—and seen. Renaissance helps you to “See Every Student.” To learn more about FastBridge and how it fits in our comprehensive assessment system, please click here.