myON and Accelerated Reader together
Accelerated Reader has helped foster a love of reading for over 30 years by engaging students in a variety of books, challenging them to achieve personalized goals, and encouraging meaningful conversations. This year, Renaissance introduced the power of launching myON directly from AR.
myON ensures all students can engage in frequent, high-quality reading practice with unlimited, 24/7 access to thousands of enhanced digital books and age-appropriate news articles. myON’s core collection features over 6,700 titles, which is comparable to an average elementary school library. The flexibility of a digital book option, a deep list of title choices, and the power of AR quizzing and insights combine to create a powerful literacy solution—which is especially useful now, given the disruption to schooling caused by COVID-19.
First: Reading Recommendations
Students using Accelerated Reader now see a change in their search area, as shown below.

Students now see suggestions of which books and articles they can read, clearly prioritized at the top of the page. They can click on the “Help me find a book” button to access improved searching tools, including a new myON books filter. Students who access myON via the Renaissance Growth Platform will see myON books in their “Read Now” recommendations.
Second: Read Now!
Once students choose a myON book, they can click on the “Read Now” button. They will be taken immediately into their book of choice, without any barriers.
Why does that matter? Students want to start reading right away. We are making that more streamlined, so there is less delay in getting them engaged in their title of choice.

Keeping students reading wherever they are with helpful tools and exciting book choices is the goal with Accelerated Reader and myON together.
For more information about connecting myON and Accelerated Reader for your students, please contact your Renaissance Sales Representative, or give us a call at (800) 338-4204.