Helpful resources for using Renaissance products during unplanned school closures

Grades K–12

Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader guides students to engaging, just-right texts for independent daily reading practice. Educators can motivate learners through self-selected goals and easy-to-use progress monitoring. With an ever-expanding catalog of hundreds of thousands of quizzes, there’s always fresh content to choose from.

About these Accelerated Reader resources

Our team developed this quick list of resources and support services to save educators valuable time getting started with and using Accelerated Reader. Please check with your school or district Renaissance leader for more detailed information about your implementation plan.

Professional learning

Smart Start

Smart Start introductory videos and resources help educators master basic navigation and essential best practices for using Accelerated Reader to create a culture of reading with purposeful practice.

How-to webinars

Discover new insights and learn practical tips in free webinars that address a variety of key topics to support educators as they implement Renaissance products.


Student & Family Engagement Resource Kits for Educators

These kits for educators help build and nurture a strong home-school connection that is so important to student learning and growth.

Accelerated Reader Summer Engagement Kit

Accelerated Reader School Year Kit

2022-2023 Millionaire's Club certificate

Do you have students who have read more than 1 million words? Download this editable certificate to present to your student(s).

Accelerated Reader Help Articles

Help articles

These articles offer guidance and answers to commonly-asked questions about using Accelerated Reader.

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